Disasters and corruption: public expectations and tolerance—evidence from Mexico
Does Experiencing Disaster Increase Support for Disaster Risk Reduction Policies?
Spotlight on Public Demand for Disaster Risk Reduction Policy Enforcement
Project Outcomes: NSF RAPID: Public Support for Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian
Public Support for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Americas: a 17-country study
FIU researchers: there’s a ‘window of opportunity’ in the Bahamas for stronger building code enforcement
Cultivating Metacognition in Each of Us: Thinking About “Thinking” in Interdisciplinary Disaster Research
Researchers to study public support for reducing disaster risk in Latin America and the Caribbean
Public Perceptions of Code Enforcement and Safer Buildings in Latin America and the Caribbean
Support for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policies in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian
NSF Award Abstract: Collaborative Research: Hazard Events, Risk Perception, and Public Support for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas: a 17-Country Study
Disaster Risk and Resilience in the Americas Program (DRRA) Website
DRRA Research: Juan Pablo Sarmiento, M.D., M.P.H, Associate Director of Research, EEI
DRRA Research: Gabriela Hoberman, Ph.D., Director of Academic Programs, LACC
DRRA Research: Meenakshi Jerath, M.S, Ecosystem and Resilience Scientist, The Everglades Foundation
Designing the World’s Largest Wind-Wave Research Facility
NICHE Website
FIU receives $12.8M NSF grant to design an extreme wind, surge and wave testing facility
National Full-Scale Testing Infrastructure for Community Hardening in Extreme Wind, Surge, and Wave Events (NICHE)
Wall of Wind receives a $5.62 million NSF grant for hurricane research
Wall of Wind “Strong Side-Weak Side” Demonstration for IMAX
WOW Research: Professor researches destructive thunderstorms by simulating winds at FIU
Hurricane-proof skyscrapers vulnerable to less powerful windstorms, study finds
NSF-NHERI DesignSafe Website
NSF-NHERI Wall of Wind Experimental Facility Website
NSF-NHERI Wall of Wind Experimental Facility Explainer Video
Wind Hazard and Infrastructure Performance Center (WHIP-C)
NHERI Network Video
FIU-led hurricane loss model recertified by the state of Florida
Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model – Overview
Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model Website
Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model Publications
Probable Maximum Loss for the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model: Comparison
Estimating extreme losses for the Florida Public Hurricane Model—part II
FIU receives $1M for storm surge risk mapping throughout the Caribbean
Hurricane Irma Simulation at South Florida Using the Parallel CEST Model
Improved modeling of the role of mangroves in storm surge attenuation
Accuracy assessment of ASTER, SRTM, ALOS, and TDX DEMs for Hispaniola and implications for mapping vulnerability to coastal flooding
An Airborne Laser Topographic Mapping Study
Animation and Visualization
Storm Surge Model Evaluation
Understanding and Preparing for Hurricane Storm Surges